Metals Manufacturing | Fromm

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In a world of global competition, volatile raw material prices, cyberattacks, and shortages of skilled labor, metal manufacturers are no strangers to changing market conditions and disruptions. To win in today’s market, you need to be operationally agile and cost competitive.


Fromm has a team of experts ready to work with you to improve and/or maintain your system through the following:

Plant Automation & Networking

With the metals industry facing shortages in skilled labor, more and more metal manufacturers are realizing the benefits that production process automation can provide. Automation increases productivity and quality while allowing you to access production data that can be turned into actionable insights to help you make smarter business decisions. Fromm has a group of experienced automation specialists ready to assess your operation and help you plan for the Internet of Things (IoT). Click here to learn more.

Cyber Security & Intellectual Property Protection

Are your enterprise and plant floor networks protected from ransomware attacks? We are encountering more and more situations where well-established companies become victims of ransomware, a process through which cybercriminals hack into the company’s network and hold operational systems hostage in exchange for money. This can be a financially disastrous situation. Fromm’s team of network specialists offers our customers network assessment and consulting services to improve your cybersecurity and protect your intellectual property. Click here to learn more.

Energy Efficiency

Finding ways to make your metal production more energy efficient can have a significant impact on your annual operating costs. Fromm offers energy efficiency experts who will conduct a survey of your facility to understand how your operations consume energy and then make recommendations on how to lower your consumption and costs. To learn more about how our experts can help you with energy efficiency, click here.